Lasix eiph facts
Sponsored by the Equine Health and Welfare Alliance
help a horse
We trust that you have enjoyed this website and also trust that you care about the health and welfare of racing horses. We believe in the published science and 50 years of clinical experience showing that Lasix is a safe, effective preventative treatment for EIPH in the racing horse or any horse that participates in strenuous exercise. If you agree please do not hesitate to communicate your positive opinions about Lasix in racing horses to all less well informed entities, groups and individuals. The message is that eliminating the race day administration of Lasix is absolutely not in the best interests of the health and welfare of the racing horse. Your contributions in this area are important, given fact that certain powerful and we might also note conservative sub-groups in the industry wish to prohibit the use of Lasix on the day of the race, and some of these sub-groups have “deep pockets” as well as power and the control of publications in the industry.
This educational campaign is a not inexpensive project, so please consider joining us by making a tax-exempt contribution to the Equine Health and Welfare Alliance. You can also be assured that 100% of the donation will go to this educational campaign and not be eaten up by administrative costs.
Make your check payable to: EHWA and mail to the following address (Please write EIPH/Lasix in the memo field)
PO BOX 13444
Lexington, KY 40583